... coming soon
各位好!【口头传统】双语专栏(汉、英兼行)将如期于9月1日晚8:00整──吕老“大鹏”继任“斑竹”之际──铿锵“开场”,欢迎大家前来“灌水”,有何建议请先行赐示, 谢谢。
Hi, dear guys,
As the *Roc*, Lao Lu planned out, it seems Oral Tradition (bilingual format) will be shown up on the first day of Sept. around 20:00pm. You're more than WELCOME to join us!
Any suggestions on your premeditated track to this column ?!
Thanks in advance!!!
[ 本帖由 Sylvie 于 2003-8-29 07:44 最后编辑 ]