巾帼三侠 发表于 2009-12-21 20:41:41

AAA 2010, New Orleans: SVA Call for Papers

                         AAA 2010, New Orleans: SVA Call for Papers
New Orleans has inspired the theme of the 2010 AAA Annual Meetings: “Circulation.” This theme is meant to encourage us to think about what happens when movement is the organizing trope of our questions, methodologies, analyses and accounts. We can think in terms of circulation across time as well as space, through different organizing principles, and in a variety of shapes and forms, inviting us to consider what triggers, facilitates, constrains, disrupts or stops flows; what is at stake in these processes and for whom.

<!----><!----> The SVA always has a significant presence at the Annual Meeting, and 2010 will be no different. We encourage anthropologists of all ranks and with interests in visual research to contribute proposals. Deadlines for the submission of executive, invited and volunteered sessions are coming up, so please feel free to contact the SVA program committee with your questions, ideas, and submissions well before the deadlines below so that we can address any concerns and help build the strongest possible SVA program for this year.

The 2010 SVA Program Committee consists of Stephanie Takaragawa (takaraga@chapman.edu) and Jenny Chio (Jenny.Chio@uts.edu.au).

If you are interested in our film festival and/or the annual Visual Research Conference, see the submission information below.

<!----><!----> For detailed information on each type of session and event, see the general AAA CFP on the AAA website (www.aaanet.org/meetings) and reposted on the SVA website (societyforvisualanthropology.org).

<!----><!---->Executive sessions are selected by the AAA executive program committee, and proposals must be submitted directly to aaaprogramchair@gmail.com by January 22, 2010.

<!----> Public Policy Forum submissions are due February 26, 2010.

<!----> Invited paper/poster sessions must be submitted to the SVA Program Chairs by March 1, 2010. The sessions chosen for “invited” status will be notified in March, and session organizers MUST formally submit complete session information using the online system by the general AAA deadline of April 1, 2010.

<!----> Volunteered sessions, individual papers/posters, roundtables, and special events (i.e. workshops) and registration must be completed and submitted online by April 1, 2010. If you are interested in organizing a workshop with SVA, please contact the program committee as soon as possible.

<!----><!----> We are especially interested in increasing the participatory character of the meetings by sponsoring poster sessions and roundtables. Roundtables are flexible, discussion-based sessions without standard 15-minute paper presentations. If you would like to submit a roundtable, please remember to include the word “Roundtable” in the title of your session when you submit it online.

<!----> Remember to select “Society for Visual Anthropology” as the section to review your session when you complete your submission through the online system (which will be open in February 2010).

<!----> <!---->In general, our criteria for evaluating all proposals will be:
1) Relevance to the future of the field in terms of attention to various media platforms, significance to theory, and inclusion of indigenous or community perspectives.
2) Coherence of thesis, clarity of aims, innovativeness of approach, applicability to membership.
3) Attention to methodology, especially a concern with ethics (best practices).
4) Contribution to the intellectual viability of visual anthropology, to anthropology in general, and to complementary fields of study.

<!----><!----> The 2010 SVA/AAA Film, Video, and Interactive Media Festival will also take place during the Annual Meeting. Submissions are due April 1, 2010; for more information, please check the SVA website in early 2010. Email Carol Hermer, Festival Coordinator, with questions (chermer@pipeline.net).

<!----><!----> The SVA Visual Research Conference traditionally takes place in the two days prior to the start of the AAA Annual Meeting. The deadline for submission is March 20, 2010 (subject to change). Submissions are taken through our own on-line system; for more information on the format of this lively event and how to submit a presentation, check the SVA website or contact Thomas Blakely (tdb5@psu.edu).

<!----> The 2010 SVA Program Committee:
Stephanie Takaragawa (takaraga@chapman.edu) and Jenny Chio (Jenny.Chio@uts.edu.au).

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