摘要: “民间”这一概念在20世纪90年代被广泛地使用,其流行程度恐怕只稍逊于“后现代”、“现代性”、“启蒙主义”等几个词,成了一个跨政治学、社会学、文学、民俗学等学科的词汇,而且它的具体所指,与它相关的阐释也颇为混杂,并引起了不少的争论。它实际上成了我们分析、了解、把握90年代文化状况的极为重要的关键词。本文将对学术界、文化界之“民间”一词的使用与讨论,做一个较为全面的梳理。
Abstract: During 1990s’ in China’s social sciences and literature critics, there were a few kinds of discussion relate to the word “Min Jian” which had some different meanings as civil society, folklore and so on. These discussions made “Min Jian” become a key word sharing with politics, sociology, Chinese Modern Literature and folklore. So through reviewing these kinds of the discussions, we can analyze the condition of social culture 1990s’ in China. This paper will make this analysis. This paper includes mainly four parts. The first part is about Chinese translations of ‘civil society’; the second part is about the discussions of Min Jian in the field of Chinese Modern Literature; the third part is about the discussions in the field of folklore; the last part is a synthetic discussion for the above parts.
key wards:discussions deal with civil society and folklore; 1990s’in China