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上课时间与地点:周三早上九时至十二时,人社院 C304
1. 每周上课需阅读指定之必读资料,并参与讨论(占20%)
2. 选择必读之读物做课堂报告,并缴交心得或评论(占30%)
3. 学期末缴交一篇约六千字之正式报告,题目需事先与任课老师商量(占50%)
一、导 论 (一周)
二、汉人社会文化的结构模式 (二周)
1.Ward, Barbara, E. 1965 “Varieties of the Conscious Model,”in Banton Michael ed., The Relevance of Models for Social Anthropology, A.S.A. Monograph, pp. 113-137. London: Tavistock Publications.
2.David Johnson, Andrew J. Nathan and Evelyns Rawski eds. 1985 Popular Culture in Late Imperial China, pp.3-33. Berkeley: University of California Press.
3. Constable, Nicole1994History and Construction of Hakka Identity, in Chen Chung-min, Chuang Ying-chang & Huang Shu-min eds., Ethnicity in Taiwan: Social, Historical, and Cultural Perspectives.Pp.75-89, Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica.
4. Harell, Stevan1999“The Role of the Periphery in Chinese Nationalism”, in Huang, Shu-min & Cheng-kuang Hsu ed., Imagining China: Regional Division and National Unity, pp.133-160, Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica.
5.Brown, Mel issa 1995 “On Becoming Chinese”, in Melissa Brown ed., Negotiating Ethnicities in China and Taiwan. Pp. 37-76. Berkeley Ca.: U. ofCalifornia.
6. 黄俊杰 2002〈传统中国的思维方式及其价值观:历史回顾与现代启示〉,刊于《传统中华文化与现代价值的激荡与调融》,黄俊杰编,页3-30。台北:喜马拉雅研究发展基金会。
7. 林端 2002〈全球化下的儒家伦理:社会学观点的考察〉,刊于《传统中华文化与现代价值的激荡与调融》,黄俊杰编,页89-134。台北:喜马拉雅研究发展基金会。
8. 黄光国 2002〈从社会心理的角度看儒家文化传统的内在结构〉,刊于《传统中华文化与现代价值的激荡与调融》,黄俊杰编,页135-174。台北:喜马拉雅研究发展基金会。
9.潘英海1994〈文化合成与合成文化─头社村太祖年度祭仪的文化意涵〉,刊于庄英章、潘英海合编《台湾与福建社会文化研究论文集》,页235-256。台北: 中研院。
10.潘英海1995〈「在地化」与「地方文化」:以「壶的信仰丛结」为例〉,刊于庄英章、潘英海合编《台湾与福建社会文化研究论文集(二)》,页299-319。台北: 中研院。
(二) 参考资料:
2.李亦园1993 <从民间文化看文化中国>。台北:台大考古人类学刊 49:7-17。
8.陈其南、周英海主编1994 《文化中国:理念与实践》pp. 3-66. 台北:允晨。
12. 孙隆基1983《中国文化的「深层结构」》。香港:集贤社。
15. Shepherd, John R.1986Sinicized Siraya Worship of A-li-tsu. 中央研究院民族学研究所集刊58:1-55。
16.Elvin, Mark1973The Pattern of the Chinese Past.Stanford: Stanford University Press.
17.Elvin, Mark,1994“The Inner World of 1830”, in Tu Wei-min ed., The Living Tree: The Changing Meaning of Being Chinese Today. PP. 35-63. Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
18. Tu Wei-ming1994 The Living Tree: The Changing Meaning of Being Chinese Today. Pp.1-34;88-108. Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
19. Lagerwey, John 2000 The Structure and Dynamics of Chinese Rural Society. 刊于徐正光主编《历史与社会经济》,第四届国际客家学研讨会论文集,pp. 1-17. 台北:中央研究院民族学研究所。
20. Faure, David 2001State and Ritual in Modern China: Comments on the “civil society” Debate 刊于王秋桂、庄英章、陈中民主编《社会、民族与文化展演研讨会论文集》下册, .509-536. 台北:汉学研究中心。
三、婚姻 (一周)
1.Wolf, Arthur P. 1989“The Origins and Explanation of Variation in the Chinese Kinship System,”in Kuang-Chih Chang, Kuang-Chou Li, Arthur P. Wolf and Alexander Yin eds., Anthropological Studies of the Taiwan Area: Accomplishments and Prospects, pp.241-260. Taipei: National Taiwan University.
2.Chuang Ying-chang and Arthur Wolf 1995“Marriage in Taiwan, 1881-1905: An Example of Regional Diversity.”The Journal of Asian Studies, 54(3):781-795.
3. Siu, Helen F. 1993Reconstituting Dowry and Brideprice in South China, in David Deborah and Stevan Harrell (eds.) Chinese Families in the Post-Mao Era.Berkeley:U. of California Press.
4.Watson, Rubies. And Patricia B. Ebrey. 1991 Marriage and Inequality in Chinese Society. Pp. 204-230, Berkeley: U. of California Press.
5.Pasternak, Burton 1985On the Causes and Demographic Consequences of Uxorilocal Marriage in China. InFamily and Population in East Asian History. Susan B. Hanley and Arthur P. Wolf eds., Pp.309-336. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
1. Li, Yih-yuan 1968 “Ghost Marriage, Shamanism and Kinship Behavior in Rural Taiwan,”in N. Matsumoto and T. Mabuchi eds., Folk Religion and the Worldview in Southwertern Pacific. Tokyo: Keio Institute of Culture and Linguistic Studies, Keio University.
2. Wolf. Arthur P. 1968“Adopt a Daughter-in-Law, Marry a Sister, A Chinese Solution to the Problem of the Incest Taboo.”American Anthropologist, 70(5):864-74.
3. Wolf, Arthur P. 1995Sexual Attraction and Childhood Association--A Chinese Brief for Edward Westermarck, pp.1-40. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
4. Wolf, Arthur P. 1970“Childhood Association and Sexual Arraction:A Further Test of the Westermarch Hypothesis.”American Anthropologist, 72(3):503-15.
5. Chuang Ying-chang1991“Chinese T'ung-yang-hai Marriage: The Ch'en Family of T'ou-fen,Taiwan”Proceedings of the National Council part C: Humanities and Social sciences, 1(2):174-186.
6. Wolf, Arthur P. and Chuang Ying-Chang 1994 “Fertility and Women's Labour: Tow Negative(but Instuctive) Findings.”Population Studies, 48:427-433.
7. 陈中民1991〈冥婚、嫁妆及女儿在家庭中的地位〉,刊于乔健主编《中国家庭及其变迁》,页269-278。香港:香港中文大学。
8. 庄英章、陈其南1982〈现阶段中国社会结构研究的检讨:台湾研究的一些启示〉,杨国枢、文崇一编:《社会及行为科学研究的中国化》,pp.281-310。中研院民族所专刊乙种第十号。
9. 陈其南1987《台湾的传统中国社会》。台北:允晨出版公司。
四、家庭 (一周)
1.Cohen, Myron(孔迈隆) 1991 〈中国家庭与现代化:传统与适应的结合〉,刊于《中国家庭及其变迁》,乔健主编,页15-22。香港:香港中文大学。
2.Newell, William H. 1985 Structural Conflicts Within the Chinese Family. In The Chinese Family and Its Ritual Behavior, Monograph Series B. No. 15. Hsieh Jih-chang and Chuang Ying-chang eds., Pp. 84-100. Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica.
3.Wolf, Arthur P. 1985 Chinese Family Size: A Myth Rivitalized.In The Chinese Family and Its Ritual Behavior, Monograph Series B. No. 15. Hsieh Jih-chang and Chuang Ying-chang eds., Pp. 30-49. Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica.
4. McKnight, Brian 1998 Law and the Family in Sung China: Inheritance. 刊于中国近世家族与社会学术研讨会论文集,中央研究院历史语言研究所出版品编辑委员会编,页475-537。台北:中央研究院历史语言研究所。
1. Baker, Hugh1979Chinese Family and Kinship. London: The Macoillan.
2.Cohen, Myron1976House United, House Divided: The Chinese Family in Taiwan.New York: Columbia University Press.
3. Cohen, Myron 1992 Family Management and Family Division in Contemporary Rural China.The China Quarterly, 130.
4. Cohen, Myron, L.1999North China Rural Families:Changes During the Communist Era.Etudes Chinoises, Vol. XVII
5. Cohen, Myron, L.1978“Development Process in the Chinese Domestic Group,”in Freedman, M. ed., Family and Kinship in Chinese Society. Pp. 21-36.Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press.
6.Freedman, Maurice1979The Study of Chinese Society.Stanford: Stanford University Press.
7.Lang, Olga1946Chinese Family and Society. New Haven: Yale University Press.
8.Parish, W. & Martin Whyte1978Village and Family in Contemporary China.Chicago: Chicage University Press.
10.王崧兴1986<汉人的「家」观念与群体>,刊于中山大学人类学系编《人类学论文选集》,页293-303, 广州:中山大学出版社。
11.林耀华(庄孔韶、林宗成译) 1990 《金翼—中国家族制度的社会学研究》。香港:三联书店。
13.李亦园 1985 <中国家族与其仪式:若干观念的检讨>,中研院民族学研究所集刊 59:47-62。
14.庄英章1994 《家族与婚姻:台湾北部两个闽客村落之研究》,台北:中央研究院民族学研究所。
15. 庄孔韶 1996 《银翅:中国的地方社会与文化变迁》, 台北:桂冠。
16. Ahern,M.E. & Hill Gates 1981 The Anthropology of Taiwanese Society.Stanford: Stanford University Press
五、宗族 (一周)
1. Freedman, Maurice 1958Lineage organization in Southeastern China. Pp.1-8,114-140. London: The AthlonePress.
2. Faure, David 1999The Chinese Emperor’s Informal Empire:Religion and the Incorporation of Local Society in the Ming. In Huang, Shu-min & Cheng-Kuang Hsu eds., Imagining China: Regional Division and National Unity. Pp. 21-42. Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica.
3.Faure, David 1992 The Written and the Unwritten: The Political Agenda of the Written Genealogy. 刊于近世家族与政治比较历史论文集(上),中央研究院近代史研究所编。台北:中央研究院近代史研究所。
4.Bernhardt, Kathryn 1992 Rents, Taxes, and Peasant Resistance: The Lower Yangzi Region, 1840-1950. Pp.13-42. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
5. 陈其南1990〈房与传统中国家族制度:兼论西方人类学的中国家族研究〉。刊于《家族与社会》,Pp.129-214。台北:允晨出版公司。
1. Freedman, Maurice 1966Chinese Lineage and Society: Fukien and Kwangtung.pp.155-184. London: The Athlone Press.
2. Watson, James 1982“Chinese Kinship Reconsidered:Anthropologicsal Perspective on Historical Research,” China Quarterly, 92:589-627.
3. Faure, David 1986 The Structure of Chinese Rural Society—Lineage and Village in the Eastern New Territories. Hong Kong : Oxford University Press.
4. Gate, Hill1996China’s Motor: A Thousand Years of Petty Capitalism. Pp. 84-120, Ithaca & London: Cornell U. Press .
5. 陈奕麟1984〈重新思考Lineage Theory 与中国社会〉。汉学研究,2(2):403-446。
6. 濑川昌久 (钱杭译)1999 《族谱:华南汉族的宗族、风水、移居》,上海:上海书店出版社。
六、宗教信仰 (三周)
1.Freedman, Maurice1974“On the Sociological Studies of Chinese Religion,”in Arthur Wolf ed., Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society. pp.19-41. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
2.李亦园1983〈社会变迁与宗教皈依:一个象征人类学理论模型的建立〉,中研院民族所集刊 56:1-28。
3.Feuchtwang, Stephan1992The Imperial Metaphor--Popular Religion in China, pp.126-149. London and New York: Routledge.
4.Watson, James, L.1985“Standardizing the Gods: The Promotion of Tien-Hou Alone the South China Coast, 960-1960,”in David Johnson Andrew J. Nathan, and Evelyn S. Rawski eds., Popular Culture in Late Imperial China. Berkeley: University of California Press.
5.Sangren, P. Steven,1987History and Magical Power in a Chinese Community, PP. 49-126.Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
6.Sangren, Stephan 2000 Power and Transcendence in the Mazu Pilgrimages of Taiwan, in Chater 5, Chinese Sociologics. Pp 96-117. London and New Brunswick, NJ: The Athlone Press.
7.Sangren, Steven 2003 American Anthropology and the Study of Mazu Worship. 刊于妈祖信仰的发展与变迁:妈祖信仰与现代社会国际研讨会论文集,林美容、张珣、蔡相辉编,页7-24。台北:台湾宗教学会。
8.Bosco, Joseph(林舟) 2003 天后宫之重建与活力。刊于妈祖信仰的发展与变迁:妈祖信仰与现代社会国际研讨会论文集,林美容、张珣、蔡相辉编,页95-116。台北:台湾宗教学会。
9.Wolf, Arthur. 1974“Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors,”in Wolf ed., Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society, pp.131-182. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press.
10.Watson, Rubie S.1988“Remembering the Dead: Graves and Politics in Southeastern China,”in Watson, J. & Rowski, E.S. eds., Death Ritual in Late Imperal and Modern China. pp.203-227. Berkeley:University of California Press.
11.Li, Yih-yuan1976Chinese Geomancy and Ancestor Worship:A Further Discussion in Ancestors. W. Newell, ed., The Hague: Mouton.
4. 李亦园1987〈和谐与均衡:民间信仰中的宇宙诠释与心灵慰藉模式〉,现代人心灵研讨会论文。
5.Weller, Robert P.1994Resistance, Chao and Control in China. Pp. 113-186.London: The Macmillan Press. LTD.
7. Wolf, Arthur P. ed.,1974Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society.105-130, 193-206.Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
8. Bosco, Joseph and Puay-Peng Ho 1999Temples of the Empress of Heaven.Hong Kong: Oxford U. Press.
8. Dean, Kenneth 2001China’s Second Government: Regional Ritual Systems in South China. 刊于王秋桂等编《社会、民族与文化展演研讨会论文集》, pp. 77-110. 台北:汉学研究中心。
七、地域组织与祭祀圈 (一周)
1. Skinner, William1964“Marketing and Social Structure in Rural China. Part I.”Journal of Asian Studies 24(1):3-43;24(2):195-228.
2. Crissman, Lawrance W.1972“Marketing on the Changhua Plain, Taiwan,”in Willmott, W. E. ed., Economic Organization in Chinese Society.Stanford: Stanford University Press.
3. 施振民1975〈祭祀圈与社会组织─彰化平原聚落发展模式之探讨〉。中研院民族所集刊,36:191-208。
4. 张珣 2002 〈祭祀圈研究的反省与后祭祀圈时代的来临〉。台大考古人类学刊58:78-111。
1. 陈其南1991〈社会分类意识与土著化〉,收于《台湾的传统中国社会》,页91-126。台北:允晨出版社。
2. 胡台丽1979〈南屯的字姓戏:字姓组织存续变迁之研究〉。中研院民族所集刊48:55-78。
3. Little, Daniel1989“Regional Systems in Traditional China,”in Understanding Peasant China, pp. 68-144. New Haven: Yale University Press.
4.王铭铭1997 <市场与社会结构理论批判>,刊于《社会人类学与中国研究》,北京:三联书店。
八、民法与社会阶层 (一周)
1. Scogin, Hugh 1994 Civil “law” in Traditional China: History and Theory.In Civil Law in Qin and Republican China. Kathryn Bernhardt and Philip C. C. Huang eds., Pp.13-41. 台北:南天书局。
2. Allee, Mark 1994 Code, Culture, and Custom: foundations of Civil Case Verdicts in a Nineteenth-Century County Court. In Civil Law in Qin and Republican China. Kathryn Bernhardt and Philip C. C. Huang eds., Pp.13-41. 台北:南天书局。
3. Huang, Philip C. C. 1996 Civil Justice in China: Representation and Practice in the Qing. (Chapter3 “ Informal Justice: Mediation in North China Villages Before the Communist Revolution” Pp. 51-75)Stanford: Stanford University Press.
4. Duara, Prasenjit, 1990Elites and the Structure of Authority in the Villages of North China, 1900-1949, in Esherick, Joseph W. and Mary Backus Rankin (eds.), Chinese Local Elites and Patterns of Dominance. Pp.261-281, Berkeley: U. of California Press.
3.萧公权 1983 纷争调解:帝制时代中国社会的和解。刊于萧公权先生全集(9),页91-152。台北:联经出版事业公司。
4.乔 健1998〈乐户在中国传统社会中的地位与角色〉。汉学研究16(2):267-283。
1. 余英时1980《中国知识阶层史论》。台北:联经出版社。
2. 傅衣凌1979〈明清时代阶级关系的新探索〉,中国史研究,第四期。
3. 李明?、李江涛编1993《中国社会分层:改革的巨变》。香港:商务书馆。
4. Marsh, R.1961The Mandarins: Circulation of Elites in China 1600-1900.
5. Chang, C. L.1965The Chinese Gentry, pp.3-70. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
6. Ch’u, T’ung-tsu1962Local Government in China Under the Ch’ing. Pp. 168-190.Cambridge: Harvard U. Press.
7. Watson, Rubie S. 1990Corporate Property and Local Leadership in the Pearl River Delta, 1898-1941, in Esherick, Joseph W. and Mary Backus Rankin (eds.), Chinese Local Elites and Patterns of Dominance. Pp.239-260, Berkeley: U. of California Press.
1.Wolf, Margery1974Chinese Women: Old Skills in a New Context. In Woman, Culture, and Society. Michelle Eimbalist Rosaldo and Louise Lamphere eds., Pp. 157-172.Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
2.Wolf, Margery1972Women and the Family in Rural Taiwan. Pp. 32-41. Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
5. Jaschok, Maria and Suzanne Miers eds., 1994Women & Chinese Patriarchy. PP.25-42.Hong Kong: Song Kong U. Press.
6. Gao, Xiaoxian1994China’s Modernization and Changes in the Social Status of Rural Women. InEngendering China: Women, culture, and the State. Christina Gilmartin et.al. Pp. 80-97. Cambridge: Harvard U. Press.
5. 萧凤霞 1996 妇女何在?--抗婚和华南地域文化的再思考, 中国社会科学季刊第十四期。
1. Topley, Marjozie1983Marriage Resistance in Rural Kwangtung. In Wolf, M. and Roxane Witke eds., Women in Chinese Society.Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
2. Stockard, Janice E.1989Daughters of the Canton Delta.Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
3. Jacka, Tamara1977Women’s Work in Rural China—Change and Continuity in an Era of Reform.Cambridge:Cambridge U. Press.
十、关系与交换网络 (一周)
1. Yan, Yunxiang1996The Flower of Gifts:Reciprocity and Social Networks in a China Village.Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
2. Yang, Mayfair Mei-hui, 1994,Gifts, Favors & Banquets: The Art of Social Relationships in China.Pp.146-172. Ithaca: Cornell U. Press.
3. 魏捷兹1996<澎湖群岛的村庙「公司」与人观>,刊于庄英章、潘英海编《台湾与福建社会文化研究论文集》,页221-242。台北:中央研究院。
十一、农村社会经济 (一周)
1. Zhou, Kate Xiao1996How the Farmers Changed China. Pp. 106-136, Boulder: Westview Press.
2. Huang, Philip C.C.1985The Peasant Economy and Social Change in North China. Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
3. Potter, Sulamith H. and Jack M. Potter 1990 China’s Peasants: The Anthropology of a Revolution. (Chapter16,Pp.313-326) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1. 黄宗智1994〈华北近数百年的小农经济与社会变迁〉刊载于《中国研究的规范认识危机》,页39-52。香港:牛津大学出版社。
2. 章英华1993〈清末民初华北农村的村落组织和村际关系〉,中研院民族所集刊,72:25-61。
3 费孝通1987《江村经济:中国农民的生活》,香港:中华书局。
4 费孝通、张之毅1990《云南三村》(重刊), 天津人民出版社。
十二、近代中国社会的困境与发展 (一周)
1. Perkins, Dwight H.1975“The Persistence of the Past,”in Perkins ed.,China's Modern Economy in Historical Perspective, pp.1-18. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press.
2. Duara, Prasenjit 2003 从民族国家拯救历史:民族主义话语与中国现代史研究,王宪民译。北京:社会科学出版社。(第二章~第三章,页106-167)
1. 黄光国1989《儒家思想与东亚现代化》。台北:巨流图书公司。
2. 杨君实等1987《儒家伦理与经济发展》。台北:允晨出版公司。
3. 刘永成等1980《明清资本主义萌芽研究论文集》,台北:谷风版。
4. 何高潮1997 《地主、农民、共产党--社会博弈论分析》,香港:牛津大学出版社。
5. Solinger, Dorothy J.1999Contesting Citizenship in Urban China:Peasant Migrants, the State, and the Logic of the Market.Pp.277-290.Berkeley: U. of California.
6. Kuhn, Philip(陈兼、刘昶合译)Soulstealers: the ChineseSorcey Scare of1768. (叫魂:干隆盛世的妖术大恐慌)。台北:时英出版社。
1. 黄树民(素兰译)1994《林村的故事》,台北:张老师出版社。
2. Chan, Anita, Richard Madsen & Jonathan Unger 1984(1992), Chen Village Under Mao and Deng,Berkeley: U. of California Press.
3. Jun Jing 1996The Temple of Memories: History, Power, and Morality in A Chinese Village.Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
1. 黄枝连1992《中国走向二十一世纪》,香港:三联。
2. Fei Hsiao-tung 1989 Rural Development in China. Chicago: U. of Chicago Press.
3. 杨君实1987《现代化与中国共产主义》,香港:香港中文大学。
4. 华尔德 (Andrew G. Walder) 1996 《共产党社会的新传统主义》,香港:牛津大学出版社。
5. Oi, Jean C. 1991. State and Peasant in Contemporary China: The Political Economy of Village Government, pp.1-12, 155-182, 227-235. Berkeley: U. of California Press.