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哪位大侠了解国内外最新的族群与族群认同研究的动态,可否介绍一二,先谢了。 :shy:
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香港中文大学博士候选人 巫达

目录 Contents

1. 通论
General Works
2. 族群与认同
Ethnicity and Identity
3. 少数族群、多数族群与族群关系
Minorities, Majorities and Ethnic Relations
4. 族群性与民族主义
Ethnicity and Nationalism
5. 族群互动与文化变迁(涵化与同化)
Ethnic Interaction and Cultural Change
(Acculturation and Assimilation)

1. 通论 General Works

Abruzzi, William S.
1982 “Ecological Theory and Ethnic Differentiation Among Human Populations.”
Current Anthropology 23(1): 13-35.
Banks, Marcus
1996 Ethnology: Anthropological Constructions. London, New York: Routledge.
Banton, Michael
1967 Race Relations. New York: Basic Books.
1983 Racial and Ethnic Competition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bauer, Cliristian
1990 “Language and Ethnicity: the Mon in Burma and Thailand.” In Gehan
Wijeyewardene, ed., Ethnic Groups Across National Boundaries in Mainland
Southeast Asia. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Bentley, G. Carter
1987 “Ethnicity and Practices.” Comparative Studies in Society and History
29(1): 24-55.
Boas, Franz
1984(1929) Anthropology and Modern Life. Westport,Conn.: Greenwood Press.
Bonny Norton
2000 Identity and Language Learning: Gender, Ethnicity and Educational
Change. Harlow, England ; New York : Longman.
Wright, Sue, ed.
1998 Language and Conflict: A Neglected Relationship. Clevedon, Philadelphia:
Multilingual Matters Ltd.
Cohen, Abner, ed.
1974 Urban Ethnicity. London, New York: Tavistock Publications.
Cohen, Ronald
1978 “Ethnicity: Problem and Focus in Anthropology.” Annual Review of
Anthropology 7: 379-403.
Despres, Leo A., ed.
1975 Ethnicity and Resource Competition in Plural Societies. The Hague:
Mouton; Chicago: distributed by Aldine.
Eriksen, Thomas, H.
1993 Ethnicity and Nationalism: Anthropological Perspectives. London: Pluto
Fanon, Frantz
1970(1967) A Dying Colonialism. Translated from the French by Haakan
Chevalier. New York : Grove Press.
Glazer, Nathan and Daniel P. Moynihan eds.
1975 Ethnicity: Theory and Experience. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard
University Press.
Gonzalez NL, McCommon CS, eds.
1989 Conflict, Migration, and the Expression of Ethnicity. Boulder, CO:
Gupta A, Ferguson J.
1992 “Beyond ‘Culture’: Space, Identity, and the Politics of Difference.”
Cultural Anthropology (7) 1: 6-23.
Hall S.
1991a “The Local and The Global: Globalization and Ethnicity.” In King AD, ed.,
Culture, Globalization and The World-System: Contemporary Conditions for the
Representation of Identity, pp.19-39. Binghamton: State University of New York
1991b “Old and New Identities, Old and New Ethnicities.” In King AD, ed.,
Culture, Globalization and The World-System: Contemporary Conditions for the
Representation of Identity, pp.41-68. Binghamton: State University of New York
Hutchinson, John & Anthony D. Smith, eds.,
1996 Ethnicity. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
Kaplan C.
1995 “A World Without Boundaries: The Body Shop’s Trans/national
Geographics.” Sociological Text.
Keyes, Charles F.
1981 “The Dialectics of Ethnic Change.” In Charles Keyes F., ed., Ethnic
Change. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Kottak, Conrad Phillip
2000 Anthropology: The Exploration of Human Diversity. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
8th ed.
Levi-Strauss, Claude
1952 Race and History. UNESCO: Paris.
Molnar, Stephen
1975 Races, Types and Ethnic Groups: The Problems of Human Variation.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
Montagu, Ashley
1963 Race, Science and Humanity. Princeton, N.J.: Van Nostrand.
Montagu, Ashley, ed.
1964 The Concept of Race. New York: Free Press of Glencoe.
Nickie Charles, Helen Hintjens
1998 “Gender, Ethnicity and Cultural Identity: Womens ‘places’.” In Nickie
Charles and Helen Hintjens, eds., Gender, Ethnicity and Political Ideologies,
pp.1-26. London ; New York : Routledge, 1998
Park, Robert E.
1950 Race and Culture. Glencoe, Ill.:The Free Press.
Rex, John and David Mason eds.
1986 Theories of Race and Ethnic Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Sales, Rosemary
1999 “Gender, Ethnicity and Politics: the Protestants of Northern Ireland.”
In Avtar Brah, Mary J. Hickman and Mairtin Mac an Ghaill, eds., Thinking
Identities: Ethnicity, Racism and Culture, pp.145-160. Basingstoke, Hampshire :
Macmillan ; New York : St. Martin's Press.
Schermerhorn, Richard
1970 “Ethnicity and Minority Groups.” In Comparative Ethnic Relations, pp.
12-14. New York: Random House.
Tonkin, Elisabeth, Maryon McDonald and Malcolm Chapman
1989 “Hisory and Ethnicity.” In History and Ethnicity, pp.11-17. London:
Van den Berghe, Pierre L.
1981 The Ethnic Phenomenon. New York: Elservier.
Yelvington, Kelvin
1991 “Ethnicity as Practice? A Comment on Bentley.” Comparative Studies in
Society and History 33(1):158-175.
1988 《中华民族研究初探》。北京:知识出版社。
1980 “关于我国民族的识别问题”。载《中国社会科学》第一期。
1981 《民族与社会》。北京:人民出版社。
1988 《费孝通民族研究文集》。北京:民族出版社。
1989 “中华民族的多元一体格局”。载《北京大学学报》第四期。
费孝通 主编
1991 《中华民族研究新探索》。北京:中央民族大学出版社。
1999 《中华民族多元一体格局》。北京:中央民族大学出版社。
1997 《现代化与民族生活方式的变迁》。天津:天津人民出版社。
1989 “民族识别及其理论意义”,载《中国社会科学》第一期。
2000 《台湾族群研究目录(1945-1999)》。台北市: 捷幼出版社。
吉登斯,安东尼(Anthony Giddens)
1998 《民族-国家与暴力》。北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店。
林耀华 主编
1990 《民族学概论》。北京:中央民族大学出版社。
林耀华 等着
1986 《民族理论和民族政策论文集》。北京:中央民族大学出版社。
2001a “评安东尼·史密斯关于‘nation’(民族)的论述”,载《中国社会科学》第1期,页141-151。
2001b “关于民族研究的几个问题”。载乔健、李沛良、马戎主编《二十一世纪的中国社会学与人类学》,页530-558。高雄:丽文文化事业股份有限公司。
马戎、周星 主编
1999 《中华民族凝聚力形成与发展》。北京:北京大学出版社。
1995 《潘光旦民族研究文集》。北京:民族出版社。
1998 《人类学与西南民族》。昆明:云南大学出版社。
1984 《民族问题与宗教问题》。北京:中国社会科学出版社。
1984 《民族学概论》。北京:民族出版社。
1992 《民族学新论》。西安:陕西人民出版社。
1993 《民族政治学》。北京:中国社会科学出版社。

2. 族群与认同 Ethnicity and Identity

Barth Fredrik
1969 “Introduction.” In Fredrik Barth, ed., Ethnic Groups and Boundaries,
pp.9-38. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.
Bernal, Martha E. and George P. Knight
1993 Ethnic Identity: Formation and Transmission Among Hispanics and Other
Minorities. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Cohen, Abner
1969 Custom and Politics in Urban Africa: A Study of Hausa Migrants in Yoruba
Towns. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
1974 Two Dimensional Man: An Essay on the Anthropology of Power and Symbolism
in Complex Society. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Cohen, Anthony P.
1982 “Belonging: The Experience of Culture.” In Anthony P. Cohen, ed.,
Belonging: Identity and Social Organization in British Rural Cultures.
Manchester University Press.
1985 The Symbolic Construction of Community. London, New York: Tavistock
1986 Symbolising Boundaries: Identity and Diversity in British Cultures.
Manchester University Press.
Constable, Nicole
1996 “Introduction: What Does it Mean to Be Hakka?.” In Nicole Constable,
ed., Guest People: Hakka Identity in China and Abroad. Seattle, London:
University of Washington Press.
Ebrey PB.
1996 “Surnames and Han Chinese Identity.” In MJ Brown, ed., Negotiating
Ethnicities in China and Taiwan, pp. 19-37. Berkeley: University of California.
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Eller, Jack and Reed Coughlan
1993 “The Poverty of Primordialism: the Demystification of Ethnic
Attachments.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 16(2): 187-192, 199-201.
Fried, Morton H.
1975 The Notion of Tribe. Menlo Park, California: Cummings Pub. Co.
Geertz, Clifford
1963 “The Integrative Revolution: Primordial Sentiments and Civil Politics in
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1987 Culture, Identity, and Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Grosby, Steven
1994 “The Verdict of History: the Inexpungeable Tie of Primordiality--A
Response to Eller and Coughlan.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 17(2): 164-171.
Harrell, Stevan(郝瑞)
1998 “中国是不是一个民族?从中国与其三个边缘地带的关系说起”(Is China a Nation? The View from Three
Peripheries). 香港社会科学学报,第11期,1998年春季版。
2000a “从族群到民族:中国彝族的认同”,载巴莫阿依、黄建明编《国外学者彝学研究文集》,页1-31。昆明:云南教育出版社。
2000b 《田野中的族群关系与民族认同: 中国西南彝族社区考察研究》。巴莫阿依, 曲木铁西译。南宁市: 广西人民出版社。
Honig, Emily
1992 Creating Chinese Ethnicity: Subei People in Shanghai, 1850-1980. New
Haven: Yale University Press.
Isaacs, Harold R.
1975 Idols of the Tribe: Group Identity and Political Change. New York,
Evanston, San Francisco, London: Harper & Row, Publishers.
Jenkins, Richard
1997 Rethinking Ethnicity: Arguments and Explorations. London, Thousand Oaks,
New Delhi: Sage publications.
Keyes, Charles F.
1976 “Towards a New Formulation of the Concept of Ethnic Group.” Ethnicity
1981 “The Dialectics of Ethnic Change.” In C. Keyes, ed., Ethnic Change. Seattle
& London: University of Washington Press.
Keyes, Charles F. ed.
1979 Ethnic Adaptation and Identity: The Karen on the Thai Frontier with
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Khan A.
1996 “Who are the Mongols?” In MJ Brown, ed., Negotiating Ethnicities in
China and Taiwan, pp. 125-59. Berkeley: University of California. Inst. E. Asian
Kuper, Adam
1994 “Culture, Identity and the Project of a Cosmopolitan Anthropology.” Man
29(3): 537-554.
Leach, Edmund Ronald
1954 Political Systems of Highland Burma: A Study of Kachin Social Structure.
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Levine, Robert A. and Donald T. Campbell
1972 Ethnocentrism: Theories of Conflict, Ethnic Attitudes and Group
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Moerman, Michael
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Nash, Manning
1989 “The Core Elements of Ethnicity.” In The Cauldron of Ethnicity in Modern
World. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
Okamura, Jonathan Y.
1981 “Situational Ethnicity.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 4(4): 452-465.
Romanucci-Ross, Lola and George A. De Vos, eds.
1995 Ethnic Identity: Creation, Conflict, and Accommodation. Walnut Creek,
London, New Delhi: Altamira Press, A division of sage publication Inc.
Talai, V.
1986 “Social Boundaries Within and Between Ethnic Groups: Armenians in
London.” Man (21)2 251-270.
Tam, Siumi Maria
1997 Globalizing Local Identity: Hong Kong Style Yumcha in Australia. Hong
Kong: Chinese University Of Hong Kong.
Tan, Chee-Beng(陈志明)
1997 “Chinese Identities in Malaysia.” Southeast Asian Journal of Social
Science 25(2): 103-116.
1998 “People of Chinese Descent: Language, Nationality and Identity.” In Wang
Ling-chi and Wang Gungwu, eds., The Chinese Diaspora. Selected Essays Volume I.
Singapore: Times Academic Press.
2000 “Ethnic Identities and National Identities.” Identities 6(4): 441-480.
2001 “华裔族群:语言、国籍与认同”,载徐杰舜主编《本土化:人类学的大趋势》,页337-358。南宁:广西民族出版社。
Wu, David Y.H.
1989 “Culture Change and Ethnic Identity among Minorities in China.” In Qiao
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Academic Bulletin. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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1999 《新加坡华人游移变异的我群观: 语群、国家社群与族群》。台北: 唐山出版社。
2000 《现代背景下的族群建构》。昆明市: 云南教育出版社。
2000 《夹缝中的族群建构》。台北市 : 联合文学出版社有限公司。
1997 《华夏边缘: 历史记忆与族群认同》。台北市: 允晨文化事业股份有限公司。
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3. 少数族群、多数族群与族群关系 Minorities, Majorities and Ethnic Relations

Alekseyev, Veniamin and Sven Lundkvist, eds
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1994 Ethnicity in Taiwan: Social Historical and Cultural Perspectives.
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4. 族群性与民族主义 Ethnicity and Nationalism

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Ethnic Interaction and Cultural Change
(Acculturation and Assimilation)

Beaudry, James Amand
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给我来信 wuda18@sinatown.com

 楼主| 发表于 2003-11-12 13:12:56 | 显示全部楼层


Thanks sister BAMO for advice.   I estimate it would cost  all my life to read so many books,thank you !  
发表于 2003-11-12 18:39:46 | 显示全部楼层


北雁南飞 于 2003-11-12 13:12 写道:
Thanks sister BAMO for advice.   I estimate it would cost  all my life to read so many books,thank you !  


[ 本帖由 爪哇堂 于 2003-11-12 18:40 最后编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2003-11-15 12:33:29 | 显示全部楼层


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