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谁能帮我翻译一下 巴巴拉 梅厄霍夫的《 过渡仪式:过程与矛盾》及提供相关网站,小女子将万分感激!
Myerhoff, Barbara G. "After Fifteen Years of Feminism, Where is Women's Friendship?" Ms. June 1985: 85-87
---. "Balancing Between Worlds: The Shaman's Calling." Parabola 1.2 (1976): 6-13
---. "Bobbes and Zeydes: Old and New Roles for Elderly Jews. Women in Ritual and Symbolic Roles. Judith Hoch-Smith and Anita Spring, eds. New York: Plenum Press, 1978.
---. "The Huichol and the Quest for Paradise." Parabola 1.1 (1976): 22-29
---. In Her Own Time field notes, Barbara Myerhoff Papers microfilm, U of Southern California, reel 6:5.
---. "In Praise of Spoken Words." 23 November 1979. Box 32, folder 38, Barbara Myerhoff Papers, U of Southern California.
---. Letter to Ron. 5 February 1980. Academic/Friendship Correspondence, Box 55, Barbara Myerhoff Papers, U of Southern California.
---. Letter detailing research at Israel Levin Center, ts. Barbara Myerhoff Papers, U of Southern California.
---. "Life Passages." Smithsonian Institution Office of Folklife Programs. Celebration: A World of Art and Ritual. Ed. Victor Turner. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1982.
---. "Living with Death: Elderly Venice Jews Accept and Endure." Interview with Hynda Rudd. Los Angeles Herald Examiner 15 March 1979: A1+
---. "Maria Sabina and the Saint Children." Parabola 7.1 (1982): 92-95
---. Myerhoff speaking at a conference about the rituals of the Passover sedar. Audiotape. Barbara Myerhoff Papers, University Archives, U of Southern California, Los Angeles.
---. "Notes on Living with a Shaman: the Shaman as Houseguest." 10 May 1971. Barbara Myerhoff Papers microfilm, U of Southern California, reel 13.
---. "Notes on Peyote Session." Barbara Myerhoff Papers microfilm, U of Southern California, reel 13.
---. Number Our Days. New York: Dutton, 1978.
---. Number Our Days field notes, Barbara Myerhoff Papers microfilm, U of Southern California, reel 5.
---. "NYU: May 24 - June 5, 1982: Self-creation through narrative." Notes, Box 59, NYU course folder, Barbara Myerhoff papers, U of Southern California.
---. "Of Course." field notes Nov. 1981/Dec.1 1981. Nod Scrapbook Box 54, Barbara Myerhoff Papers, U of Southern California.
---. Peyote Hunt: the Sacred Journey of the Huichol Indians. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1974.
---. " eyote and the Mystic Vision." Art of the Huichol Indians. Ed. Kathleen Berrin. San Francisco: Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, 1978. 56-70.
---. " ilgrimage to Meron.:Inner and Outer Peregrinations." Creativity/Anthropology. Eds. Smadar Lavie, Kirin Narayan, and Renato Rosaldo. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993. 211-222.
---. "The Older Woman as Androgyne." Parabola 3.4(1978): 74-89.
---. "Flying the Children to Wirikuta." Parabola 9.3 (1984):86-9
---. Rachel discusses domestic religion with Myerhoff at the Israel Levin Senior Center. Audiotape. Barbara Myerhoff Papers, University Archives, U of Southern California, Los Angeles.
---. Remembered Lives: the Work of Ritual, Storytelling, and Growing Older. Ed. Marc Kaminsky. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1992.
---. "Re-membered Lives." Parabola 5.1 (1980): 74-77.
---. Research on women's friendship. Barbara Myerhoff Papers microfilm, U of Southern California, reel 12.
---. "The Revolution as a Trip: Symbol and Paradox." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 395 (1971): 105-16
---. "The Ritual Telling of the Great Story that Shapes Individual Lives." Transcript of lecture, ts, box 55, folder 5. Barbara Myerhoff Papers, U of Southern California.
---. Submission to Dart Award Program Special Award for Academic Innovation. Ts. 15 June 1970, Box 12, folder 1, Barbara Myerhoff Papers, U of Southern California.
---. "Telling One's Story." Center Magazine 8.2 (1980): 22-40
---. "USC in May: The Opening of the University." Youth and Society 3.3 (1972): 353-74
Myerhoff, Barbara G. and Elinor Lenz. The Feminization of America: How Women's Values Are Changing Our Public and Private Lives. Los Angeles: J.P. Tarcher, 1985.
Myerhoff, Barbara G. and Deena Metzger. "Dear Diary." Chrysalis 7 (Winter, 1979): 39-49.
---. "Social Change and the Culture of Women," Ts. April 1979. Box 9, folder 13, Barbara Myerhoff Papers, U of Southern California.
Myerhoff, Barbara G. and Sally Falk Moore, eds. Symbol and Politics in Communal Ideology: Cases and Questions. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1975.
Myerhoff, Barbara and Lee Myerhoff. "Field Observations of Middle Class Gangs." Social Forces 42.3 (1964):328-36.
Myerhoff, Barbara G. and Jay Ruby. Forward: A Crack in the Mirror: Reflexive Perspectives in Anthropology. Ed. Jay Ruby. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1982.
Myerhoff, Barbara G. and Andrei Simic, eds. Life's Career-Aging: Cultural Variations on Growing Old. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1978.
Myerhoff, Barbara G. and Virginia Tufte, eds. Changing Images of the Family. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979.
"Myerhoff, KCET Look at 'Indomitable Survivors.'" B'nai B'rith Messenger 24 Sept. 1976: 13.
Number Our Days. Dir. Lynne Littman. Videocassette. Direct Cinema Limited, 1983.
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