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发表于 2003-3-28 15:56:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  我曾参加亚欧基金会的学术活动。他们的办事效率和水准很可夸奖。这次,他们出资在北京召开保护传统音乐的研讨会。下面是他们会议日程原文。哪位大侠有兴趣,或许应当赶紧联系,我想至少可以旁听的吧?会期:3月30 日到4月6日。抓紧呀!!!

Music Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Arts
Centre of Ethnic and Folk Literature and Arts Development,
Ministry of Culture, PR China


30 MARCH-6 APRIL 2003


Preliminary Programme
(as on 24 March 2003)

Sunday 30 March 2003

Registration desk will be located in Tower C, China International Science and Technology Convention Centre, N0 12 Yumin Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

Hotel: Innostar Hotel (same venue as above)
Tel: 8610 82024488; fax: 8610 82250361

17:30: Opening Reception

19:15: Concert

Monday 31 March 2003

9:30-10:20: Opening Ceremony
Chairman:  Prof. Xiao Mei, Vice director of the Music Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Arts
1.        Introduction of VIP.
2.        Presentation of Mr. WANG Min, Deputy-Director-General Dept. of International Organisations and Conferences Ministry of Foreign Affairs (10 minutes)
3.        Presentation of Prof. ZHANG Qingshan, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Arts (10 minutes)
4.        Presentation of Ambassador Delfin Colomé, ASEF. (10 minutes)
5.        A Leader from the Ministry of Culture of PRC. (10 minutes)
6.        Presentation of Mr. ZHOU Weizhi, President of the Chinese Literature and Arts Society.(10 minutes)

10:20-11:00: Coffee break

Session on National and Regional Experience
Chairperson: Prof. Cai Liangyu, Music Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Arts, China

11:00-11:45: Expressive Culture and Identity in Twentieth Century, Portugal, Prof. Salwa El-Shwan Castelo-Branco, Professor of Ethnomusicology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

11:45-12:30: Collected Resources of Traditional Music in Recent 20 Years, Mr. Li Song, Director of Centre of Ethnic and Folk Literature and Arts Development, Ministry of Culture, China

12:30-14:00: Lunch

Session on Situation and Conception  
Chairperson: Dr. Bussakorn Sumrongthong, Asst. Prof., Music Department, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

14:00-14:45: Regimes as musical vampires and blood transfusions to traditional music, Mr Ole REITOV, Director, Arts and Cultural Support, Danish Center for Culture and Development (DCCD)/Board Member Freemuse

14:45-15:30: Protection of Traditional Music in Korea, Prof. Dr Kwon Oh Sung, Department of Korean Music, College of Music, Hanyang University, Korea

15:30-15:50: Coffee Break

15:30-17:20: Roundtable: Resources of Traditional Music
Chairperson: Ambassador Delfin Colomé, Executive Director, ASEF

Proposed resource persons: Associate Professor Dr. Tan Sooi Beng, School of Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia; Ms Maricarmen Palma, Director, Music Department, Fundacion "La Caixa", Spain; Professor / Dr Janet Topp Fargion, Curator, International Music Collection, British Library National Sound Archive, UK/Italy; Dr Zhang Zhentao, Vice Director, Music Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Arts, China; Mr. Jayl Langub, Executive Secretary, Majlis Adat Istiadat (Council for Customs and Traditions), Malaysia

18:00-21:00: Dinner and concert

Tuesday 1 April 2003

Session on National and Regional Experience
Chairperson: Ms Joyce Teo Hui Chu, Ethnomusicologist/ Director of Studies, Department of Arts Management

9:00-9:45: Irony of "dying cultures" narratives, Ms. Michiyo Yoneno REYES, Instructor, ST, Asian Center, University of the Philippines

9:45-10:30: Researching Musical Systems: New Approaches in Preserving Musical Identities in South East Asia, Dr Gisa Jaehnichen, University lecturer, Germany

10:30-10:50: Coffee break

Session on Techniques for Preservation and Conservation in Asia and Europe
Chairperson: Professor / Dr Janet Topp Fargion, Curator, International Music Collection, British Library National Sound Archive

10:50- 11:35: Handling and Preservation of Audio and Video Recording, Dr. Dietrich Schueller, Phonogrammarchiv - Austrian Academy of Sciences

11:35-12:20: Multimedia-Interactive CD-Roms as a Strategy to Preserve and Spread Traditional Music Culture, Dr. Martina Claus-Bachmann, University Lecturer, Justus von Liebig University of Giessen, Germany

12:20-14:00: Lunch

Afternoon: visit of Beijing Library or Forbidden City

Evening: Dinner and concert

Wednesday 2 April 2003

Session on Situation and Conception
Chairperson: Dr. Dietrich Schueller, Phonogrammarchiv - Austrian Academy of Sciences

9:00-9:45: Transmit and Change: Folk songs in Today China, Professor Qiao Jianzhong, Former Director of the Music Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Arts/Vice President of the Institute of Traditional Music in China

9:45-10:30: Heritage Politics: Uses, re-uses and abuses of history, Dr Owe RONSTROEM, Ass. Professor, Lecturer, Gotland University, Sweden

10:30-10:50: Coffee break

Session on Situation and Conception
Chairperson: Associate Professor Dr. Tan Sooi Beng, School of Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia

10:50-11:35: Preservation of Folk Music in China: Do it little, Do it right, Dr Antoinet Schimmelpenninck and Mr Frank Kouwenhoven, CHIME, European Foundation for Chinese Music Research

11:35-12:20: Importance of transpositioning traditional musics and peoples’ recognition thereof, Prof Emeritus YAMAGUTI Osamu, Osaka University, Japan

12:20-13:05: Means and ways to communicate traditional folk music in Austria, Ms. Maria Walcher MA, Secretary General, Oesterreichisches Volksliedwerk - Austrian Folk Song Association

13:05-14:20: Lunch

14:20- 15:50: Roundtable on Intellectual Property of Traditional Music
Chairperson and Speaker: Legal protection of traditional Music: European and Asian approaches, Boris Marcq, International Consultant- IP Expert European Commission, Chairman AMAPI- Macao Intellectual Property Association

Speaker: A current development of IP on traditional music protection in China, Mr David Cheng, IP Attorney, Jeekai and Partners, China

Proposed resource-persons: Ms PAVLAKIS, Katerina, KAPA Productions, UK/Greece; Prof. Dr. To Ngoc Thanh, President, Association of Vietnamese Folklorists, Secretary General, Vietnam Union of Literature and Arts Associations; Ms Akiko Yanagisawa, Producer, Promoter, Japan

15:50-16:10: Coffee break

16:10-17:50: Visit of Academy of Chinese Traditional Opera

Evening: dinner

Thursday 3 April 2003
Fieldwork: Yinyuehui/ Music Association (100 kms of Beijing)

Friday 4 April 2003

Session on Role of Education
Chairperson: Prof. Dr José Semblante Buenconsejo, Chair, Department of Music Research, University of the Philippines

9:00-9:45: Innovation and Tradition in Irish Traditional Music, Prof. Dr. Micheal O SUILLEABHAIN, Director/Founder, Irish World Music Centre, University of  Limerick

9:45-10:30: The contribution of Education in the Preservation of Greek Traditional Music, Dr. Zoe Dionyssiou, Department of Music Studies, Ionian University, Greece

10:30-10:50: Coffee break

Session on Media
Chairperson: Ms Maricarmen Palma, Director, Music Department, Fundacion "La Caixa", Spain

10:50-11:30: The Media's Role in Preserving Traditional Music: Conservationist or Colonialist?, Ms. Tan Shzr Ee, Journalist /Ethnomusicologist, The Straits Times  Life!, Singapore

11:30-12:15: "Report on preservation of South Vietnamese Traditional Music, a Vietnamese-German co-operation", Dr Gisa Jaehnichen, University lecturer, Germany (supported by Mr Kieu Tan, Vietnam)

12:15-14:30 Lunch

14:30-16:00: Workshops (1) on Traditional Music in Globalisation
In Workshop (1), Preserving the Invisible and Intangible, by Dr Alexander Dea, Ethnography/Arts Conceptor, Indonesia

14:30-16:00: Workshops (2) on Traditional Music on Preservation of Traditional Music in the digital domain
In workshop (2), Special report, Dr. Dietrich Schueller, Phonogrammarchiv - Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria

Evening: dinner

Saturday 5 April 2003

8:30-15:00: Visit of the Great Wall

15:30-16:30: Roundtable on Traditional Music and Contemporary Education, Dr Antoinet Schimmelpenninck, CHIME, European Foundation for Chinese Music Research

16:30-16:50: Coffee break

16:50-17:20: Training programme report

17:20-17:45: Conclusions by the organizers

Evening: dinner

Sunday 6 April 2003
Departure of the participants
发表于 2003-3-29 23:31:54 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2003-4-1 17:22:39 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2003-4-2 08:41:16 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2003-4-2 12:41:55 | 显示全部楼层


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