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《卡勒瓦拉》:3月27日赫尔辛基大学教授Juha Pentikainen有关《卡勒瓦拉》的讲座

发表于 2003-4-1 17:13:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
赫尔辛基大学Juha Pentikainen教授于3月27日在北京大学进行讲学,他是用英文直接进行讲演的,小竹子听得难免有一些吃力,takahashi姐姐听得就很清楚了。Juha Pentikainen教授主要讲的是芬兰史诗《卡勒瓦拉》以及萨满教,他认为《卡勒瓦拉》中包含着很多萨满教的信仰和教义。Juha Pentikainen教授很博学,治学态度也很严谨。讲座中间,大家传阅了他的很多英文著作,这些著作涉及神话学、萨满研究、史诗研究等等,小竹子虽然只是稍稍翻阅了一下,但感觉还是很不错的。有哪位大侠更了解Juha Pentikainen教授的情况?
[ 本帖由 淇园之竹 于 2003-6-2 12:19 最后编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2003-6-2 12:19:12 | 显示全部楼层

RE:3月27日赫尔辛基大学教授Juha Pentikainen有关《卡勒瓦拉》的讲座

Sylvie 姐姐,Juha Pentikainen教授当场发了一些资料,全是英文的,都与《卡勒瓦拉》相关
发表于 2003-6-2 16:38:55 | 显示全部楼层

RE:《卡勒瓦拉》:3月27日赫尔辛基大学教授Juha Pentikainen有关《卡勒瓦拉》的讲座

[了解Juha Pentikainen教授的情况?]


Juha Y. Pentikainen, Kalevala Mythology:
Expanded Edition (Indiana University Press, 1999)

Translated from the Finnish by Ritva Poom, Professor Pentikainen's scholarly text ambitiously seeks to put the Kalevala -- the epic Finnish poem set down by Elias Lonnrot in the 1830s and 1840s -- into a context that is at once mythic, political and religious. Because of its relatively recent creation, the Kalevala presents a unique opportunity for examining the development of national epics.

Pentikainen succeeds in providing a thoroughly researched and detailed study of the Kalevala, its origins and its role in the development of modern Finland. However, his text would benefit greatly from a re-ordering of chapters, as Pentikainen has jumbled history, biography and poetic analysis across several parts of the book, when one should have followed the other, in some cases. For example, he opens the book with a discussion of the scholarly environment Elias Lonnrot wrote in. But then he skips ahead to a lengthy discussion of the Kalevala's poetic structure before returning to a significant biographical chapter about Lonnrot. The middle chapter would have had greater impact had it followed the other two, and been paired with the other chapters about the Kalevala's content and structure.

The bulk of the book is devoted to an in-depth historical, literary and mythological analysis of both versions of the Kalevala, which were published about 15 years apart by Lonnrot. Pentikainen quotes significant portions of the Kalevala text, providing readers a glimpse of the important story arcs and how they fit together. He artfully demonstrates their similarities -- and differences -- to the runes sung by the Finnish rune singers Lonnrot collected from (Lonnrot rearranged many runes, and added his own text). Perhaps the most fascinating chapter of the book is that dedicated to the singers themselves -- including singers alive during the early to mid twentieth century. Particularly intriguing is Pentikainen's observation that the singers appear to tap into a mythic consciousness to remember words to runes not sung since childhood. Also fascinating is a digression in that same chapter on Old Believers, a particular, persecuted sect of the Russian Orthodox Church with close ties to the Finnish rune singers.

Pentikainen, a professor of comparative religion himself, posits that the Kalevala is, at its heart, a description of pagan Finland and its eventual transition to Christianity. This theme surfaces repeatedly in the book. It is not an unreasonable assertion, based on Lonnrot's own devout Christian background and the epic's overarching storyline: world creation by a old god (paganism), who eventually finds his demise at the hands of a mere babe (Christianity); but it ends up being a less interesting discussion than the entire chapter Pentikainen devotes to the Kalevala runes as evidence of Finnish shamanism.

Whether or not readers agree with Pentikainen's assertion, Kalevala Mythology is an invaluable tool for understanding the Kalevala's significance not only to Finland, but to students of folklore the world over.

[ 本帖由 stanza 于 2003-6-2 16:42 最后编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2003-6-2 20:45:17 | 显示全部楼层

RE:《卡勒瓦拉》:3月27日赫尔辛基大学教授Juha Pentikainen有关《卡勒瓦拉》的讲座

发表于 2003-6-13 13:43:46 | 显示全部楼层

RE:《卡勒瓦拉》:3月27日赫尔辛基大学教授Juha Pentikainen有关《卡勒瓦拉》的讲座

赫尔辛基大学Juha Pentikainen也曾到中央民族大学民族学系讲学,特将有关他讲学内容的简讯附下:
赫尔辛基大学Juha Pentikainen教授来我系讲学
    2003年3月28日下午,芬兰赫尔辛基大学比较宗教系Juha Pentikainen教授在民族学系“学术沙龙”做“萨满教与西伯利亚文化”的讲座。
Juha教授首先介绍了他从事萨满教研究的缘由,即他结识了一位女萨满后,被她凭借记忆、以口头表述传承文化的方式所吸引,自此走上了萨满教研究之路。然后,Juha 教授简单回顾了自己的田野工作经历,阐述了他对萨满、萨满教的理解,指出Shamanism不是一个十分准确的词,而主张用Shaman hood一词。他认为萨满教不是主义、学说和教条,它是反对教条的。而Shaman hood是萨满性、风格,指的是由本人思想、母语构成其特点的东西。Juha 教授还将自己多年来萨满教研究成果的著作赠送给我系。讲座期间,他播放了四十分钟的人类学纪录片俄罗斯境内那乃人“卡萨达仪式”,这是该片在我国首映。之后Juha教授与我系任国英、何俊芳、祁惠君等老师就俄罗斯与我国境内满-通古斯民族萨满的异同进行了探讨。Juha教授建议双方就萨满教研究进行合作,对那乃人与我国赫哲族进行对比研究。
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