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【转帖】 AFS and Other Organizations Advocate for...

发表于 2003-5-3 04:05:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
With apologies for my posting, if not neccessary. ;-)

Fw: AFS and Other Organizations Advocate for Rebuilding of Iraqi Cultural Resources

----- Original Message -----
From: Tim Lloyd
To: Folklore List of Lists
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2003 10:16 PM
Subject: AFS and Other Organizations Advocate for Rebuilding of Iraqi Cultural Resources

Dear Folklorists,

On April 30, a coalition of 30 organizations concerned with cultural heritage, led by the American Association of Museums and including the American Folklore Society, sent the following letter to Andrew Natsios, Administrator of the US Agency for International Development:

Dear Mr. Natsios:

The recent looting and damage to Iraq’s museums, libraries, archives and archaeological sites is a tragic loss for the entire world.  Iraq’s cultural heritage includes artifacts from the very cradle of civilization.  Material lost or at risk represents not only the glory, ingenuity, scholarship and artistic beauty of Iraq, but is also a part of the inestimable and irreplaceable wealth of humankind.

We the undersigned, a group of 30 national organizations broadly representing the U.S. cultural heritage community, therefore call on USAID immediately to place cultural heritage needs on an equal footing with the other high-priority reconstruction activities for Iraq for which RFPs were issued between January 31 and March 4, 2003.

In parallel with the immediate priorities of clean water, medical care, education, and restoration of civil authority, USAID should make funds available now to stabilize and restore Iraq’s cultural heritage and infrastructure. Funds and trained personnel are immediately required to:

• ensure the physical security of Iraq's museums, libraries, archives, and archeological sites
• support the Iraqi heritage authorities in developing prioritized plans for reconstruction
• assess the conservation needs of artifacts and buildings and respond with assistance
• inventory missing or lost artifacts and archival records
• reconstruct records
• continue efforts to recover missing or lost artifacts and archival records and make every effort to reconstruct the Iraqi national collections

We believe that the restoration and protection of Iraq's cultural patrimony and documentary heritage cannot wait, and must proceed in parallel with USAID’s other efforts to help the people of Iraq rebuild their country.

If you wish to schedule a meeting with a representative group from our informal coalition, please contact Helen Wechsler at the American Association of Museums (202.218.7699 or hwechsler@aam-us.org).  We thank you for your attention and stand ready to assist in this important work.


American Anthropological Association
American Association for State and Local History
American Association of Museums
American Cultural Resources Association
American Folklore Society
American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works
American Library Association
American Schools of Oriental Research
Archaeological Institute of America
Art Libraries Society of North America
Association of American Geographers
Association of Art Museum Curators
Association of Art Museum Directors
College Art Association
Council of American Overseas Research Centers
Council on Library and Information Resources
Heritage Preservation
H-NET: Humanities and Social Sciences Online
International Foundation for Art Research (IFAR)
Linguistic Society of America
Middle East Librarians Association
Middle East Studies Association
National Coalition for History
National Foundation for Jewish Culture
National Humanities Alliance
Preservation Action
Society for Historical Archaeology
Society of American Archivists
Society of Biblical Literature
US Committee, International Council of Museums

Timothy Lloyd, Executive Director, American Folklore Society, Mershon Center, Ohio State University, 1501 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201-2602 USA

The American Folklore Society is an association of people who create and communicate knowledge about folklore throughout the world.  Our more than 2,200 members and subscribers are scholars, teachers, and libraries at colleges and universities; professionals in arts and cultural organizations; and community members involved in folklore work.  Join us for our 115th Annual Meeting, with the theme of "Folk Culture and the Public Domain," in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on October 8-12, 2003.  For meeting details and membership information, or to learn more about the Society and the work of folklorists, visit our web site at: www.afsnet.org.

[ 本帖由 nanwan 于 2003-5-3 04:10 最后编辑 ]
发表于 2003-5-3 12:53:46 | 显示全部楼层

RE:【转帖】 AFS and Other Organizations Advocate for..

发表于 2003-5-3 13:01:57 | 显示全部楼层

RE:【转帖】 AFS and Other Organizations Advocate for..

发表于 2003-5-3 13:06:57 | 显示全部楼层

RE:【转帖】 AFS and Other Organizations Advocate for..

玩笑归玩笑,小竹子强烈支持美国有识之士对于伊拉克文化遗产和文献传统的恢复和保护(restoration and protection of Iraq's cultural patrimony and documentary heritage ),只是小竹子只会卖狗皮膏药,如此重任就交给诸位高人了!!就看各位大侠的了
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