发表于 2003-6-17 13:07:10
Performance: Kep Concept (4 vol.)
Edited by Philip Auslander
Due/Published May 2003, 1696 pages, cloth
ISBN 0415255112
Featuring a multi-disciplinary approach that reflects the growing importance of the concept of performance across a variety of disciplines, this collection brings together the key texts articulating perspectives on performance and performativity. The set includes an introduction contextualizing the growth of this field, and a full index.
Volume I
Part I. Foundations and Definitions
Section 1.1 Foundational Texts and Concepts
1. Arnold Van Gennep, 'The Territorial Passage' in The Rites of Passage, Monika B.Vizedom and Gabrielle L.Caffee, trans., pp. 15-25 (Chicago:University of Chicago Press 1960 [1908?])
2. Johan Huizinga, 'Nature and Significance of Play as a Cultural Phenomenon', in Homo Ludens:A Study in the Play-Element of Culture, pp. 1-27 (Boston:Beacon Press, 1955 [1938])
3. Milton Singer, 'Search for a Great Tradition in Cultural Performances', in When a Great Tradition Modernizes, pp. 67-80 (New York raeger, 1972)
4. Kenneth Burke, Ritual Drama as 'Hub', in The Philosophy of Literary Form:Studies in Symbolic Action, pp. 87-113 (New York:Vintage Books, 1957)
5. J.L.Austin, 'Lecture I' in How to Do Things with Words, 2nd Ed., J.O.Urmson and Marina Sbisa, eds., pp. 1-11(Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 1975)
6. Erving Goffman, 'Introduction', in The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, pp. 1-16 (New York oubleday, 1959)
Section 1.2 Definitions, Distinctions, and Debates
7. Bert O.States, 'Performance as Metaphor', Theatre Journal, 48, 1, pp. 1-26, 1996
8. Grahame F.Thompson, Approaches to 'Performance', Screen, 26,5, pp. 78-90, 1985
9. Janelle Reinelt, 'The Politics of Discourse erformativity Meets Theatricality', Substance, 31,1 & 2, 2002
10. Jon McKenzie, 'Virtual Reality erformance, Immersion, and the Thaw', TDR:The Journal of Performance Studies, 38,4, pp. 83-106, 1994
Section 1.3 Disciplinary Actions
11. Clifford Geertz, 'Blurred Genres:The Refiguration of Social Thought',The American Scholar, 49, pp. 165-179, 1979
12. Sheldon L., Messinger, Harold Sampson, Robert D.Towne, 'Life as Theater:Some Notes on the Dramaturgic Approach to Social Reality', Sociometry 25,1, pp. 98-110, 1962
13. Ronald J.Pelias and James VanOosting,'A Paradigm for Performance Studies', Quarterly Journal of Speech, 73,2, pp. 219-231, 1987
14. Elizabeth Bell, 'Performance Studies as Women's Work:Historical Sights/Sites/Citations from the Margin', Text and Performance Quarterly, 13,4, pp. 350-374, 1993
Part II:Elements and Circumstances of Performance
15. Richard Schechner, 'Performers and Spectators Transported and Transformed', The Kenyon Review,New Series, 3,4, pp. 83-113, 1981
16. Freddie Rokem,'Theatrical and Transgressive Energies', Assaph, 15, pp. 19-38, 1999
17. Michael Kirby, 'On Acting and Not-Acting', The Drama Review, 16,1, pp. 3-15, 1972
18. John O. Thompson, 'Screen Acting and the Commutation Test', Screen, 19,2, pp. 55-69, 1978
19. Peter Middleton, 'Poetry's Oral Stage', in Salim Kemal and Ivan Gaskell, eds., Performance and Authenticity in the Arts, pp. 215-253, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1999
20. Stan Godlovitch, 'The Integrity of Musical Performance', The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 51,4, pp. 573-587, 1993
Volume II
Part I:Representation
21. Jacques Derrida, 'The Theater of Cruelty and the Closure of Representation', in Writing and Difference, Alan Bass, trans., pp. 232-250 (Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1978)
22. Jean-François Lyotard, 'The Tooth, the Palm,' Anne Knap and Michel Benamou, trans., SubStance, 15, pp. 105-110, 1976
23. Barbara Freedman 'Frame-Up:Feminism, Psychoanalysis, Theatre', Theatre Journal, 40, 3, pp. 375-397, 1988
24. Jill Dolan, 'The Dynamics of Desire:Sexuality and Gender in Pornography and Performance', Theatre Journal, 39,2, pp. 156-174, 1987
Part II:Textuality
25. Marvin Carlson, 'Theatrical Performance:Illustration, Translation, Fulfillment, or Supplement?', Theatre Journal, 37,1, pp. 5-11, 1985
26. W.B.Worthen, 'Drama, Performativity, and Performance ', Publications of the Modern Language Association, 113,5, pp. 1093-1107, 1998
27. Elinor Fuchs, 'Presence and the Revenge of Writing:Rethinking Theatre After Derrida', Performing Arts Journal, 9,2/3, pp. 163-173,1985
28. Ric Allsop, 'Performance Writing', Performing Arts Journal, 21, 1, pp. 76-80, 1999
29. Bernard Hibbitts, 'Making Motions:The Embodiment of Law in Gesture', Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues, 6, pp. 51-81,1995
Part III:Bodies
30. David Graver, 'The Actor's Bodies', Text and Performance Quarterly, 17, 3, pp .221-235,1997
31. Jon Erickson, 'The Body as the Object of Modern Performance', Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, 5, 1, pp. 231-245, 1990
32. Ann Cooper Albright, 'Strategic Abilities: Negotiating the Disabled Body in Dance', Michigan Quarterly Review, 37, 2, pp. 475-501,1998
33. Peta Tait, 'Feminine Free Fall:A Fantasy of Freedom', Theatre Journal 48, 1, pp. 27-34, 1996
Part IV:Audiences/Spectatorship
34. Marco De Marinis, 'Dramaturgy of the Spectator' , TDR:The Journal of Performance Studies, 31, 2, pp. 100-114, 1987
35. Anne Ubersfeld, 'The Pleasure of the Spectator', Pierre Bouillaguet and Charles Jose, trans., Modern Drama, 25, 1, pp. 127-139, 1982
36. Alice Rayner, 'The Audience:Subjectivity, Community and the Ethics of Listening', Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, 7, 2, pp. 3-24, 1993
37. Herbert Blau, 'Odd, Anonymous Needs:The Audience in a Dramatized Society' (Part One), Performing Arts Journal, 9, 2/3, pp. 199-212, 1985
38. Elizabeth Klaver, 'Spectatorial Theory in the Age of Media Culture', New Theatre Quarterly, 11, pp. 309-321, 1995
Part V:Culture
5.1 Cultural Studies
39. Raymond Williams, 'Drama in a Dramatised Society', pamphlet (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1975)
40. Shannon Jackson, 'Why Modern Plays Are Not Culture isciplinary Blind Spots', Modern Drama, 44, pp, 31-51
41. Jane C.Desmond, 'Embodying Difference:Issues in Dance and Cultural Studies', Cultural Critique, 26,pp.33-63, 1993-94
V.2 Inter-and Intracultural Studies
42. Cynthia Ward, 'Twins Separated at Birth? West African Vernacular and Western Avant Garde Performativity in Theory and Practice', Text and Performance Quarterly, 14, 4, pp.269-288, 1994
43. Avanthi Meduri,'Western Feminist Theory, Asian Indian Performance, and a Notion of Agency', Women and Performance, 5, 2, pp. 90-103, 1992
44. Daryl Chin,'Interculturalism, Postmodernism, Pluralism', Performing Arts Journal, 11,3/12,1,pp.163-175, 1989
Volume III
Part I:Science and Social Science
I.1Performing Science
45. Gautam Dasgupta, 'From Science to Theatre ramas of Speculative Thought', Performing Arts Journal, 9, 2/3, pp. 237-246, 1985
46. Robert Crease,'Performance and Production:The Relation between Science as Inquiry and Science as Cultural Practice', in The Play of Nature:Experimentation as Performance, pp. 158-177 (Bloomington:Indiana University Press, 1993)
I.2 Social Behavior as Performance
47. Richard Bauman, 'Verbal Art as Performance ' American Anthropologist, 77, 2, pp. 290-311, 1975
48. Roger D.Abrahams, 'A Performance-Centered Approach to Gossip', Man, New Series, 5, 2, pp. 290-301, 1970
49. Leonard C. Hawes, 'Becoming Other-Wise: Conversational Performance and the Politics of Experience' , Text and Performance Quarterly, 18, 4, pp. 273-299, 1998
50. Victor Turner, 'Social Dramas and Stories about Them', Critical Inquiry 7, 1, pp. 141-168, 1980
I.3 Performing Ethnography
51. Dwight Conquergood,'Performing as a Moral Act:Ethical Dimensions of the Ethnography of Performance', Literature in Performance, 5, 2, pp. 1-13, 1985
52. Michael M.McCall and Howard S.Becker,'Performance Science', Social Problems, 37, 1, pp. 117-132, 1990
53 Richard A.Hilbert, 'The Efficacy of Performance Science:Comment on McCall and Becker', Social Problems, 37, 1, pp. 133-135, 1990
54. E.Patrick Johnson, 'SNAP! Culture:A Different Kind of Reading', Text and Performance Quarterly, 15, 2, pp. 122-142, 1995
Part II:History, Politics, Political Economy
II.1 Performing History
55. Anthony Kubiak, 'Disappearance as History:The Stages of Terror', Theatre Journal, 39, 1, pp. 78-88, 1987
56. Michal Kobialka, 'Historical Events and the Historiography of Tourism', Journal of Theatre and Drama, 2, pp. 153-174, 1996
57. Vivian M.Patraka, 'Spectacles of Suffering erforming Presence, Absence, and Historical Memory at U.S.Holocaust Museums', in Elin Diamond, ed., Performance and Cultural Politics, pp. 89-107 (London:Routledge, 1996)
II.2 Political Activism and Performance
58. Lee Baxandall, 'Dramaturgy of Radical Activity 'The Drama Review, 13, 4, pp. 52-71, 1969
59. Baz Kershaw, 'Fighting in the Streets ramaturgies of Popular Protest, 1968-1989', New Theatre Quarterly, 13, 3, pp. 255-276, 1997
II.3 Theorizing Political Performance
60 Una Chaudhuri, 'There Must Be a Lot of Fish in That Lake:Toward an Ecological Theater', Theater, 25,1, pp. 23-31, 1995
61. Elin Diamond, 'Brechtian Theory/Feminist Theory:Toward a Gestic Feminist Criticism', TDR:The Journal of Performance Studies, 32,1, pp. 82-94, 1988
62. Peggy Phelan, 'The Ontology of Performance:Representation without Reproduction' in Unmarked:The Politics of Performance, pp. 146-166 (London:Routledge, 1993)
63 Andrew Parker, 'Praxis and Performativity', Women and Performance, 8, 2, pp. 265-273, 1996
64. Joseph Roach, 'The Future that Worked', Theater, 8, 2, pp.19-26, 1998
65. Richard A. Rogers. 'Rhythm and Performance of Organization', Text and Performance Quarterly, 14, 3,1994
66. Miranda Joseph, 'The Performance of Production and Consumption', Social Text, 16, 1, pp. 25-62, 1998,
67. Philip Auslander, 'Legally Live', TDR:The Journal of Performance Studies, 41, 2, pp. 9-29, 1997
Volume IV
Part I:Identity and the Self
I.1. The Performing Self
68. Richard Poirier, 'The Performing Self', in The Performing Self, pp. 86-111 (New York:Oxford University Press, 1971)
69. Frances Harding, 'Presenting and Re-Presenting the Self:From Not-Acting to Acting in African Performance', TDR:The Journal of Performance Studies, 43, 2, pp. 118-135, 1999
I.2 Performing Identity
70. Candace West and Susan Fenstermaker, 'Doing Difference', Gender and Society, 9, 1, pp. 8-37, 1995
71. Kimberly W. Benston, 'Prologue erforming Blackness', in performing Blackness:Enactments of African-American Modernism, pp. 1-21, London:Routledge, 2000
72. Judith Butler, 'Performative Acts and Gender Constitution:An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory ',Theatre Journal 40, 4, pp. 519-531, 1988
73. Susan Leigh Foster, 'Choreographies of Gender', Signs, 24, 1, pp. 1-34, 1998
74. Sue-Ellen Case, 'Performing Lesbian in the Space of Technology art 1', Theatre Journal, 47, 1, pp. 1-18, 1995
Part 2:Visual Art and Performance Art
2.1 Visual Art
75. Michael Fried, 'Art and Objecthood', ArtForum, 5, 10, pp. 12-23, 1967
76. Henry Sayre,'The Object of Performance:Aesthetics in the Seventies', The Georgia Review, 37, 1, pp. 169-188, 1983
2.2 Performance Art
77 Josette Féral, 'Performance and Theatricality:The Subject Demystified', Terese Lyons, trans., Modern Drama, 25, 1, pp. 171-181, 1982
78. Nick Kaye,'British Live Art '[......Live Art efinition & Documentation'] ,Contemporary Theatre Review, 2, 2, pp. 1-7, 1994
79. Erika Fischer-Lichte, 'Performance Art and Ritual:Bodies in Performance', Theatre Research International, 22, 1, pp. 22-37, 1997
80. Jeanie Forte,'Women 's Performance Art:Feminism and Postmodernism ',Theatre Journal, 40, 2, pp. 217-235, 1988
81 Britta B.Wheeler, 'Negotiating Deviance and Normativity erformance Art, Boundary Transgressions, and Social Change', in Marilyn Corsianos and Kelly Amanda Train, eds. Interrogating Social Justice olitics, Culture, and Identity, pp. 155-179 (Toronto:Canadian Scholars' Press,,1999)
Part 3:Media and Technology
3.1 Media and Mediatization
82. Susan Sontag, 'Film and Theatre', The Drama Review, 11, 1, pp. 24-37, 1966
83. Roger Copeland, The Presence of Mediation,TDR:The Journal of Performance Studies, 34, pp. 28-44, 1990
84. Chantal Pontbriand, 'The eye finds no fixed point on which to rest', C.R.Parsons.trans.Modern Drama, 25, 1, pp. 154-162, 1982
85. Theodore Gracyk,'Listening to Music erformances and Recordings', The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 55. 2, pp. 139-151, 1997
3.2 Performance and Technology
86. Andrew Murphie, 'Negotiating Presence erformance and New Technologies', in Philip Hayward, ed., Culture, Technology & Creativity, pp. 209-226 (London:John Libbey, c.1990)
87. Steve Tillis, 'The Art of Puppetry in the Age of Media Production', TDR:The Journal of Performance Studies, 43.3, pp. 182-195, 1999
88. Matthew Causey, 'Screen Test of the Double:The Uncanny Performer in the Space of Technology,' Theatre Journal, 51, 4, pp. 383-394, 1999
89. David Z.Saltz, 'The Art of Interaction:Interactivity, Performativity, and Computers', The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 5, 2, pp. 117-127, 1997 |